VOR Training VOR Training

Gaze Stabilization Exercise


Gaze Stabilization exercises are designed to improve your ability to maintain clear vision while moving your head. These exercises are fundamental for daily activities like walking, driving, and reading, helping to reduce dizziness and improve visual stability during motion.

Exercise Parameters






1-2 minutes


3 times daily

Exercise Overview


  • Improve visual stability during head movement
  • Enhance gaze control in daily activities
  • Reduce motion-related dizziness
  • Build confidence in dynamic environments

Equipment Needed

  • Visual target (letter or picture)
  • Clear wall space
  • Stable chair for seated practice
  • Timer for tracking progress

Exercise Progression

Level 1: Basic VOR x1

  1. 1.Hold target at arm's length
  2. 2.Move head side to side while keeping eyes focused
  3. 3.Start slow, increase speed as able
  4. 4.Perform for 1-2 minutes

Level 2: VOR x2

  1. 1.Move head and eyes in opposite directions
  2. 2.Increase speed gradually
  3. 3.Add vertical movements
  4. 4.Progress to diagonal movements

Level 3: Dynamic VOR

  1. 1.Walking while focusing
  2. 2.Moving target tracking
  3. 3.Multiple target switching
  4. 4.Complex background challenges

Safety Guidelines

Exercise Precautions:

  • Stop if dizziness becomes severe
  • Avoid exercises when very tired
  • Do not exceed recommended speeds
  • Take breaks between sets
  • Report unusual symptoms to your provider

Tips for Success

Exercise Technique

  • Maintain good posture
  • Keep movements smooth
  • Progress at your own pace
  • Stay consistent with practice

Practice Environment

  • Choose a well-lit space
  • Minimize distractions
  • Have support nearby
  • Use proper target distance

Progress Tracking

Track Each Session:

  • Maximum comfortable speed
  • Duration of practice
  • Symptom intensity
  • Recovery time needed
  • Progression level achieved

When to Progress

Ready for Next Level When:

  • Current level feels comfortable
  • Minimal dizziness during exercise
  • Quick symptom recovery
  • Maintaining good form
  • Consistent performance

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